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If You Want to Know a Bit About Me, Read This…

I spent 2015 with 3rd Generation O Squad on the World Race where I had the privilege of serving those in Dominican Republic, Haiti, Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Swaziland, Botswana, and South Africa. It was a life-changing journey in which my Heavenly Father broke habits, healed past wounds, and ultimately spoke my True Identity through His eyes. My life is different because of Him, all that He did and allowed me to do, and His use of the World Race to help me along.

Half of 2016 was spent in the Center for Global Action where not only did I learn more about Worship & Leadership, but also where the Lord continued to gently chisel off the layers of my hardened, protected heart. In July 2016, I left CGA early to start working for Adventures in Missions as the Regional Logistics Representative for Southeast Asia. I am currently learning what it looks like to sacrificially love people well, rest in the midst of high stress situation, and pursue my dreams no matter the cost.

I am a recovering perfectionist. I used so many things to try to earn more love from God, and in the end, I was just left empty, feeling completely alone. That was until God used people around me to point out my defense mechanisms. After awhile in counseling, I realized the masks I wore and some reasons for them. God used books like “Daring Greatly” by Brene Brown and “Boundaries” by Henry Cloud and John Townsend to take me deeper in my understanding of how I’m wired.

I graduated from Missouri Baptist University in St. Louis, Missouri, December 2012. I majored in Human Services and completed two minors in Psychology and Religion.

I have been playing guitar since I was 8 years old, shut the door on it several years ago only to have God open the doors again while I was on the Race, specifically in Malaysia and the Philippines. While in Malaysia, I had the opportunity to play music with a young woman, Samantha, who was born blind. Her piano playing was like an AED machine to my musician heart. While in the Philippines, I had the opportunity to teach guitar to elementary and middle school girls. The door is now open and I’m stepping back in to this part of my heart where God already is.

I love to bake and currently learning more about cooking. Fun (somewhat embarrassing) Fact: I didn’t know how to cook chicken until month 9 of the World Race.

Some of my favorite foods: sweet potatoes, Goldfish crackers, any type of berry, green beans, pad thai, carbs, and most desserts.

My favorite color is purple and usually cannot abstain from buying something if it’s one my favorite shades – lavender and magenta.

Someday I would like to backpack through Europe, skydive, write a book, learn to play the drums, piano, and violin, and hug a live grizzly bear. 

I dream of leading mission trips for people of all ages, but specifically teenagers and college aged individuals, simultaneously collaborating with them on how to bring their new perspective to their hometowns to share the Gospel in their everyday lives. I have a passion for seeing women set free from past bondages and walking in wholeness to lead others into wholeness.

I really enjoy deep conversations one-on-one while drinking coffee or painting.

I hope you have enjoyed the latest installment of “Getting to know Taylor.” This program was brought to you by Adventures in Missions. Stay tuned for more… (can you tell I did radio in high school?)