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Shifting to Lovely [Why Focusing on the Positive Produces Change]

“Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise” (Philippians 4: 8).

A couple nights ago I spent an intentional time, praying with the Lord. There are some things I knew I needed to pray about and wanted to give it the time. I sat in my car in a lot by the lake. I just sat for awhile and eventually words came out.

At first, I just let them come out. I believed everything I was saying, but then it hit me! I’m praying all the things I DON’T want to be. All the things I DON’T want to do. I’m praying the negative of the things.

I want to pray the positive of it. I want to pray to my Heavenly Father about all the things I WANT and NEED to be. After all, those are the things of Him. When I pray these things that I want to be, I am telling Him who I see Him as.

Do you feel the difference between these two? 

Abba, I don’t want to be impatient. I don’t want to be rude and judgmental. I don’t want to live in a poverty mentality and hoard all that I’ve earned. I don’t want to be blown and tossed by every selfish desire and distraction.

Feel the difference in this one… 

Abba, I want to be patient. I want to be kind and compassionate. I want to be generous with what you have given me so that other’s can experience Your tangible love and provision. I want to be rooted in You so no circumstance or temptation can sway me away. I want to be so in tune with You that I don’t have to question Your voice in the moments You are calling me to step out. I want to be used by You for Your glory, not my own. I want all the things of You and nothing else. I want my mind to be focused on You so no distractions will take me away from Your beauty. Abba, please fill in the gaps where I am lacking and lead me closer every day to You. 

Doesn’t it feel more full of peace, beauty and light? I think it’s especially interesting because Philippians 4 doesn’t say, “Hey, you should definitely focus on the things that you aren’t.” It says, “Fix your eyes on what is true…and lovely.”

When I pray the positive things of Him, the things I want to be, I am focusing on the light as opposed to focusing on the dark.

I believe when we focus on the things we don’t want to be, we unintentionally become that. How can we ever get what we truly want if we are only saying the things that we don’t want?

I’m not perfect at this. Honestly, I just started realizing the difference 2 days ago, but I can’t walk away now that it’s highlighted.

Maybe the Lord isn’t convicting you like he’s convicting me. That’s okay. He works mysteriously and brings different things up for different people. However, if you feel convicted or even are questioning how you pray, just pay attention. Don’t make it complicated.

Either way, I hope you are encouraged in knowing that we are all along this journey of understanding more of the Father. His desire for us is furious and altogether lovely.

I pray you seek Him out today and ask Him to show you how He sees YOU. How He sees YOU for who you are in this very moment – He does not have a voice of condemnation, but of love and peace. 

Walk encouraged.